Cedar Storage, conveniently located in Johannesburg’s northern suburb of Kya Sands, is continuing its ongoing efforts to reduce the cost of storage through innovation and environmentally-friendly initiatives, while also reducing their carbon footprint.
A key consideration for Cedar’s clients is security, and for this reason, all-night lighting is essential. The recent replacement of these lights with low-energy alternatives has seen the overnight power usage slashed by nearly 40%. Similarly, efforts to enhance their online booking system have seen a 65% drop in paper usage. Less paper used equals fewer trees cut down and a reduction in costs which help keep Cedar Storage’s rates so competitive. Rats are a known hazard in any storage environment and Cedar Storage continues to ensure that their Clients’ property is safe from rodents and other pests by using environmentally friendly products.
Environmental awareness isn’t only about using more efficient and cost-saving technology. Plans to rehabilitate more than half an acre of indigenous veld started with the eradication of water-hungry invasive plants, and the planting of local water-wise plants and grass. The next stages include planting more than a dozen species of local trees and shrubs to complement the area. The impact of these initial steps is already becoming evident with a pair of nesting Blue Cranes and nearby breeding owls. Occasionally the benefits of “greening” are more immediately noticed on a personal level, as is the case with Cedar Storage’s own vegetable garden that supplements the healthy (and therefore more productive) eating habits of their staff. Every sick day avoided is a saving passed on to Clients.
“An awareness of the inter-linked relationship between Cedar Storage, our Clients’ needs and the environment in which we operate, are important considerations in our on-going efforts to be the storage partner of choice in Johannesburg’s northern suburbs,” said Anthony McHenry of Cedar Storage.
Book your storage unit on-line or Call: 011 875 2233.