With A Ho Ho Ho and Thank you to all
The team at Cedar Storage would like to thank every one of our wonderful customers.
We have enjoyed some of the tales told by some, and shed a tear at others. We are real people deep down after all.
This has been a very interesting year in South Africa from e-toll’s to the passing of one of our great leaders. This just goes to show that we South Africans have the heart and ingenuity to succeed anywhere any time. Here in our little world we call home at Cedar we have had a great run of things; we have expanded our storage complex by 130 units to accommodate the growing need for self-storage. As the need arises we aim to open more storage complexes in different areas for your convenience.
We will carry on delivering the best service and the best technology to simplify your life as we strive to exceed what you have come to expect of the team.
Just a quick reminder with regards to your stored goods with us and in your home. With all this moisture around keep paper off the floor and Silica sand sachets in your linen cupboards as well. If you don’t have any lying around, no problem, just pop in to your local supermarket and they now have cups with a drying agent in for just this purpose. I know I write a lot about dust and how to best combat the scourge. I just thought of all those beautiful old homes in Bryanston, Melville, Brixton and many-more well established areas around the country. They usually have damp and moisture challenges in them. So why not pass on some tips handed down to me by Granny Jean. I have had to modify some of her remedies from time to time as the old products are replaced by more modern ones but the principals are just the same. Another problem that seems to spring from nowhere at this time of year, is the dreaded fish moth in the cupboards. The best green remedy I know of is the use of Lavender for fragrance and borax to kill them. The essential oils in lavender will drive them away and leave all those cupboards you seldom open with a great smell on everything that comes out of them. I know men should not know these things but when you have lived without the care of an old-fashioned woman in your home, you learn fast. Heavily scented soap will also help with the moths and other creepy crawlies in the home (the cheaper the better), granny would say. I don’t know if she was just being Scottish or why, it too works, even your teenage son’s sock drawer. I have two of them.
We look forward to next year with everybody working together in memory of our beloved Nelson Mandela. Imagine if every person in South Africa did just one good deed every day, what a paradise we would all live in. Happy holidays to you all.
Book your storage unit on-line or Call: 011 875 2233.