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011 875 2233


Randburg, Kya Sands


This is a time for us all to enjoy the new growth all around us, stop and smell the blossoms on the trees and wonder at the rebirth of all that surrounds us. Very often we get caught up in our own importance about now. We want to lose weight for the beach and have that new hairstyle for the upcoming silly season to see if we can catch the eye of the new guy. Nothing wrong with this. We all need to feel good about ourselves, this is very important.

It is just as important to take a minute to think about our surroundings as well. We all live in cities and large towns, well not all but many of us. When last did you feel the wind on your face and the sun on your back? Been a while hey. Just before the long cold winter chill. So get out there and walk or stroll down your favorite river or around a local pond. Wrap up warm because the winter chill is still around and if you are not careful it will catch you off guard and give you a chill.

Take special note of all the birds returning from their winter holiday and how happy they are to be home. They are all building new homes or refreshing their old ones. Just like us. The beginning of the new growing season is here. Now keeping that train of thought you might also look to see if you have any newcomers not seen before. It has come to the attention of some city slickers that some of our rarer bird life is making its appearance in the cities. Owls and Hawks are usually the first to make their appearance. If you see them marvel at their resilience and determination to reclaim the land we have taken from them. There is a downside however if not monitored correctly. Their presence indicates an abundance of food. This alarm bell should be noted and dealt with accordingly.

Please don’t go out and buy poisons and kill everything in sight. We can manage the rodents properly if we are careful and keep all our beautiful birds all around us. Most homeowners have cats and dogs which if kept outside should keep them away from your home and belongings. Without using poison. The next step is to ensure you don’t keep food for them where it is readily available. We at Cedar Storage take every precaution to reduce our risk for vermin infestations by following a strict regime of no food in our storage units or animal and pet products. These are like a magnet to metal. We also focus most of our poisoning operations on winter before the breeding season kicks off. Most good self-storage facilities follow good housekeeping campaigns against infestations. Here at Cedar Storage we have found several nests brought in by the client and eradicated them quickly. We use poisons that require an animal to eat several times to actually die from it. That way if one of our owls or blue crane accidentally eat one it will not die.

We also have several ground-dwelling birds nesting on the property in our rehabilitated veld areas. We need to protect their young from rats and mice too. That is why we use an environmentally sound pest control method in our storage facility in Randburg.

So please one and all, go out and look around to see all the joys of spring. Enjoy the warmth and sunshine before it gets too hot again. Once silly season gets going properly in the next month or so it will probably be too late.

Safe driving and happy spring. See you soon.


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